Using electricity, scientists find promising new method of boosting chemical reactions
In this case, she and her team focused on the surface of the electrode that provides the electricity to the...
In this case, she and her team focused on the surface of the electrode that provides the electricity to the...
Protein sulfur content for S-SADTo consider S-SAD as a generic method for phasing, we have analyzed the proteome of the...
When famed 17th century Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe wasn't gazing at the stars, he turned his hand to deciphering the...
SLAC’s “electron camera” can reveal some of nature’s ultrafast processes. Now, researchers across the lab have collaborated to achieve improvements...
February 4, 2020 LIBERTY – The Sarlin Community Branch Library was transformed into a science lab Feb. 1 as...
SUMMARY: JMU chemistry professor Barbara Reisner has been honored with the 2024 James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in...